3 Tried and Tested Tips for Creating Stunning Twitter Page Banners

If you are well versed in the social media platforms, you surely know that the banners or the cover photos are really important for your brand page as much as your display picture. In the case of brand social media pages, the display pictures are generally the logo. However, when it comes to the cover image or the banner, it plays the pivotal role of impressing the visitor in the first and conveying the message of the brand clearly and appealingly. If you are thinking that this is the purpose of all the graphics that you are going to post, then you are seriously mistaken. When your images and graphics will talk about the offerings of your brand and the latest discounts, the banner will help you to tell your potential clients about who you are. So, when you are thinking of designing the banner of your Twitter page, you must make sure that you are doing it right.

Subtle Directness 

For Twitter page banner design, subtle directness can take you a long way. Make the image relatable, tempting and attractive without being verbose. Don’t use too much of texts in the banner. Let the image do that talking. If you are a food brand or a clothing store, appeal to the senses of the consumers. If you are a service provider, express your point clearly.

Image Quality and Collage 

Are you aware of the fact that collage photos are “in-trend”, and used as a promotional tool by several small as well as big business houses? Yes? Well then, use this method for creating a banner for your brand’s Twitter page.

On Twitter, you’ll get a broad space where you can easily upload a collage made from many strikingly attractive images, and allure the visitor to remain glued.

Go Minimal and Use Hashtag

Yes, if you are using the hashtag in the image, it won’t get indexed. However, if you are using a hashtag, it will surely make a brand statement. There are many biggies around the world who are using the same method for their Twitter banner. Going minimal on image and text while using just the hashtag in a bold font is in vogue.

So, now as you know about these three tips, what are you waiting for? Start working on your design. And for more useful tips on technology, keep following the blogs in this series.
