From Advertisement to Addressing Social Issues –Illustration as an Effective Tool

There had been a time when someone used to mention the word illustration to me and I used to think of the pretty red, Roald Dahl book with colorful illustrations, which I had when I was a kid. The cute, quirky and the playful images of crocodile, frogs, birds and the famous giant, the BFG widened my horizon by boosting my imagination. Later on, when I chose to be an illustrator as a professional, these books have been my inspiration too. But with time, the more I went deeper into the world of illustration and design, and started exploring my own creative potential, I realized that illustration is not just about colorful images in storybooks. Rather, it is an effective tool that not only helps a child to dream and imagine more, but serves various purposes for adults too. On one hand, it can be the best way to reach a wider market for many brands though innovative advertisements. And on the other, it can be an extremely appealing way to address many social issues too.

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If you are an artist or a Palo Alto illustrator designer, I am sure the following point will intrigue you more. Read on to know more about the potential of your practice.

For Brand Marketing

Do you know what the most effective way is to reach the wider audience or potential consumers with a message from a brand? If you are thinking it to be something audio visual, then let me tell you, it is not as effective as something simpler and straight forward. In the age of digital revolution, Smartphone and bigger resolution screens, it is a simple flat illustration that can convey the brand’s message more clearly and effectively.

For Addressing Issues

After the fateful day of 7th January 2015, the attack on Charlie Hebdo, it has become even clearer that illustrations can go a long way to address social issues. The attack at the cartoon journal office was an eye-opener for many as it proved that the simple tool, illustration can be a tool to protest as well. With time, illustrations also made its way to express more complex issues like depicting the psychological trauma of the patients who suffer from depression and anxiety, the fight for gender equality and the worldwide LGBT movement. From political protest to spreading awareness for some cause, illustration is in everything. Undoubtedly, the simple wobbly lines, the unique approach, the fresh and quirky appeal, the playful or deliberately dull colors and an uncanny charm, all of it contribute to the increasing popularity of illustrations.

If you are an illustrator or Palo Alto Photoshop designer and wondering that, being a designer do you really have any scope for your art, then here is the bottom line for you. There are enormous possibilities for illustrations. We have just started exploring them. Keep imagining!
